Why Server Farmer?
Managing production servers since 2008.
Handle many customers
Unlike with Chef or Puppet, you can safely use a single instance of Server Farmer to manage servers for many different customers.
Add new servers in seconds
Expanding the farm requires just 1 or 2 commands, depending on how your farm management is organized. And no manual messing with config files.
Feel free to ask
You are not alone. If you have a question, or found a problem with Server Farmer, send us a question to support@serverfarmer.org, and we'll try to help.
Integrate with Ansible
Use Server Farmer for all that low-level, repeatable security stuff, and Ansible for high-level application management at the same time.
Be aware
Server Farmer provides central log storage with monitoring tool, so you will be always informed on time about any issues.
Don't fear of bugs
Server Farmer code is less than 1% of Puppet or Chef, and doesn't bring in any fancy features like web panels, that could become an attack vector.
Integrate with any cloud
With Cloud Farmer you can manage all major cloud platforms, deploy new instances and use them just like any other servers. 100% automatic.
Be predictive
Included tools will provide you the current information about the health of each server. So you'll be able to predict problems before they arise.
Keep the best price/cost ratio
Stay ahead of your competition thanks to the lower amount of work, that has to be done manually. Let our solutions do the rest, for free.
When Server Farmer?
Server Farmer doesn't try to be universal. It is written to match the specific business model,
typical mostly for software houses and IT outsourcing companies.
When Server Farmer?
If you manage many servers, that:
- are owned/leased/etc. by many different customers
- have different operating systems
- have different configurations
- have different installed services and applications
- have different system users, groups and permissions
- have different roles and purposes
and most of these customers have 1-4 servers (so your infrastructure is totally mixed), then setting up bigger frameworks (Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Salt etc.) for them is pointless, or at least economically unviable.
Server Farmer combined with Ansible
If some of your customers have 5-30 servers (or even more), you can use:
- Server Farmer for system level management (for all customers, just like before)
- separate Ansible instance for each such bigger customer, for application level management
When other tools?
If you manage many servers, that:
- are owned by one single customer (eg. you work for a corporation)
- have similar operating system versions
- have similar configurations
- have similar installed services and applications
- have similar system users, groups and permissions
- have the same purpose (even if a bigger farm is divided into many roles)
then Server Farmer still can do the job, but frankly, it might not be the best choice for you.
You can however still be interested in Cloud Farmer, our multi-cloud, full lifecycle IaaS management tool, that supports all major public cloud vendors as well as OpenStack.
Is it compatible with my servers?
Server Farmer is 100% compatible with all recent Debian/RHEL-based Linux distributions, and many more, including:

All Debian stable versions since 4.x (Etch). And all Debian clones.

All LTS and most non-LTS Ubuntu versions since 8.04 LTS.

RHEL versions 5.x, 6.x and latest 7.x. And all RHEL clones.

CentOS versions 5.x, 6.x and latest 7.x, including CentOS-based solutions.

Oracle Linux 6.x and 7.x. Plus Oracle Database (see below).

Devuan Jessie

Proxmox VE 3.x

openSUSE 13.x

NetBSD 6.x

FreeBSD 9.x and 10.x

cPanel / WHM 11.x


Elastix 2.5, 4.0, MT 3.0

openATTIC 1.x

Zentyal Server 4.1
Can I use it in the cloud?
Server Farmer can handle full lifecycle management of cloud IaaS instances in all popular cloud platforms, including:

Amazon EC2

Google Compute Engine

Microsoft Azure


Hetzner Cloud

Alibaba Cloud ECS

Rackspace Cloud

Oracle Cloud

private/hybrid clouds
But what about heavy-weight solutions?
Server Farmer has been verified for 100% compatibility with Oracle Linux, Oracle Database and major Java EE application servers:

Oracle Database 10g

Oracle Database 11g

Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 18c

Oracle WebLogic 12c/R2

Red Hat JBoss EAP

GlassFish 4.x

Apache Tomcat 7-9